White Cliffs 1 NGL Conversion
Convert five pump stations from crude oil service to NGL service in Lindon, CO, Sharon Springs, KS, Laird, KS, Cunningham, KS, and Deer Creek, OK. All sites’ scope of work included demo of existing pumps and piping, installing concrete foundations and helical piles, fabricating and installing new valves and piping, setting and installing new equipment (two electric pumps and motors – 18,800 pounds each, one knock-out drum, one flare, and one propane tank per site), and hydrotesting. Pumps were set with either a crane or large excavator. Bypasses were built around each pump station from upstream of the receiver to downstream of the launcher while demo and installation of pumps and piping was being performed. When pump foundations were in good enough condition to re-use, a subcontractor was utilized to sawcut off the top two inches of each foundation to create a smooth surface that was then scrabbled and prepped for grout. Foundations were 6.5′ x 16′ so this was a big operation. At Sharon Springs it was determined that the original pump bases were no longer structurally sound after cutting, so they were demolished, and two new ones were built.