
Building a Zero-Incident Safety Culture
• Zero Injuries
• Zero Deaths
• Zero Vehicle Collisions
• Zero Environmental Incidents
• 100% Organizational Excellence
Milestone works relentlessly to cultivate a zero-incident safety culture. The safety and wellbeing of every person is our top priority. We are committed to preventing incidences that may result in personal injury, equipment damage, negative environmental impact, security breaches, and production delays. We maintain a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for our employees by instituting sound pre-job planning, employee training, and proper execution with highly experienced supervision.
Each morning begins with a safety call that includes the safety team, foremen, superintendents, project managers, engineers, and the president of the company. We discuss the day’s schedule, potential hazards, and specific ways to mitigate these obstacles. Following this phone call meeting, there is a foremen’s meeting where the superintendent, onsite safety, and all foremen discuss their day and set daily goals. From that meeting, the foremen go into the field and have their individual crew JSA meetings.
This proactive approach helps us anticipate areas for improvement and execute preventative measures before incidents occur.
Annual “Safety Summit” and Ongoing Construction Safety Programs
Our annual “Safety Summit” and ongoing construction safety programs set Milestone apart. We continually build and enhance safety orientation and training programs to develop and expand the knowledge base of our teams. Each year, Milestone hosts a “Safety Summit” to develop leaders in construction safety, provide an engaging and experiential learning environment, and deliver the most active and informative safety awareness training in our business. Industry professionals are gathered at this event to teach about safety topics varying from 811/underground utilities to trenching to operator safety and more.
Our employees also stay up to date on safety certifications such as AHA CPR/First Aid, SafeLandUSA, OSHA, and
Operator Qualifications.
These programs not only give employees a better understanding of job responsibilities, but they also build confidence, which empowers our teams to work smarter and more effectively. This finely tuned experience is what helps separate Milestone from the rest.
To pay our expertise forward, Milestone helps grow our industry by shaping new and young talent. We recruit from our local high schools and colleges and the communities where we work to fill internships and entry level positions. Building a strong workforce where people grow and flourish in their career, with the right training and experience, is critical to the success and longevity of our business.